Yesterday, Dar send me to work and went to meet his friends for soccer at Kallang. After which, few of his friends went his house for mahjong again. Friday, he just went to his colleague house for mahjong till dawn and went back squardon for recall. On Saturday, he came to fetch me after my training and we went Queenstown CC for volleyball. Lolz.. i played awhile only, cause i let another person play. We went for dinner at Commonwealth's LJS, Dar went Jiayi's house to get the set for SCV and we went Mustafa to get his luggage. haha.. so late le, yet there was alot of people at Mustafa!
Hmm.. Yesterday was also my 4th training.. Saturday was my 3rd training. I will be assessed on this Sunday!! I am so afraid.. During my training on Sat was quite ok, cause my trainer answered most of the calls from punters. I only started answering calls around 8th races onwards. Meanwhile, she briefed me on the bet types and many other scencarios like how punters would place their bets? We will have to interpret and clarify with customers. Whereas on my 4th training yesterday was quite stressful, cause from Race 1 to 11, i am answering all the calls. My trainer keep test me on bet types, i just can't get it right as i keep forgetting certain things. I do feel lousy.. thinking whether am i up to this job? Is wasn't that difficult afterall, why am i so stressed? Hmm... I hope everything will be fine this weekend. But this weekends gonna be a super long day... both Sat n Sun have to different races. Haiz...
I met up with Jacklynn and Mei Juan yesterday after my training for dinner at CWP. We had pasta at Pasta Mania for dinner, shop around CWP and also went Gelare for ice-cream. haha...

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